December 4, 2011


I love the holidays...I love how cozy it makes the house feel I am always sad when I have to take the decorations down. At least this year we are leaving for Houston on the 30th so it's something to look forward to right after Christmas. I have never been to Houston and look forward to celebrating New Years/ my Birthday there.

Our tree has now been up 24 hours and Asher has done pretty good so far. I just have to keep saying "Asher don't touch". Last Christmas he couldn't even sit up on his own so we didn't have much to worry about.

On another note looking at these pictures really makes me realize I need some sort of window coverings in my living and dining room. We moved in 10 months ago and I can't commit to anything because I want to get new furniture sometime soon. Any inexpensive suggestions are welcome.

Happy Holidays!

December 2, 2011

Returning Soon

I have been so extremely busy with life that I haven't posted anything in months! Not a ton has happened but I want to try and post a little more frequently! Stay tuned....

September 17, 2011


Asher is changing so much these days he is so close to walking it's crazy! The latest though is him feeding himself with a fork and spoon...every day he is a little less a baby and a little more a boy. It's a bittersweet thing for me as a mom.

Here is a video of his first go at food...

This is what he can do with food now!

September 13, 2011

Two years ago

It amazes me how much life can change in a matter of two years. I was trying to arrange my thousands of pictures on iPhoto and came across some gems..

September 7, 2011

Night Night

If the title of this post was not already obvious it's about sleep/sleep training. Those of you who know me know how much of a challenge sleep has been for me and Asher in the first 11 months of his life. I am now proud to say my little man sleeps 13 to 14 hours a night and has a nice 1 ½ to 2 hour nap every day.

No doubt your average set of new parents will hear a great deal about the amount of sleep they are about to lose out on. That said no amount of warning from friends or family alike can prepare you for that loss. Sleep is not something you can bank…it’s just not.

I am no expert on the subject of sleep training and one thing doesn't work for every baby or every parent. This is simply a tale of my efforts and experiences.

So here we go...

We co-slept with Asher for the first 3 months of his life - he was colicky and I needed to be able to get every little bit of sleep I could. At about 3.5 months we moved Asher into his own room. He continued to wake up every 3 hours or so and I continued to go in and nurse him every single time. I insisted that we not use the “cry-it-out” method. There were a couple times when I was at my wits end I would let Asher cry for about 5 minutes or so and he would cry so hard that he would start choking. This, of course, made me feel like a horrible mother so I continued to respond each time he needed me. My body started to get used to that routine and it wasn't so bad.

At the end of March this year we moved into a new house and Asher transitioned very well, keeping up with his every 3-4 hours a night. It wasn’t until mid-May that I started to worry: my return to work was looming and there had been no improvements in Asher's sleep patterns. As badly as Wes wanted to help me Asher did not want Daddy, he wanted BOOB! So every night I would go in, nurse Asher and cry...poor me, what was I to do?

I started to get superstitious about sleep. Every time someone would ask about how Asher was sleeping I would SNAP and say "I do not want to talk about it!”. Or Wes and I would be lying in bed, about to go to sleep, and he would say "he's doing good tonight;” almost before he could finish his sentence Asher would cry and I would whip the covers off, get out of bed, glare at Wes and say "way to go." I was going crazy – something here just HAD to give.

I had already read many different sleep solution books, trying different techniques here and there (as if there was some magical solution or something).

One night in June I put Asher to bed at 7pm (his usual bed time) and he woke up at about 11pm (again, par for the course). I went in to nurse him, laid him back down, went into my room to go to sleep and...he started crying. *sigh* Wes and I looked at each other and decided to just wait 5 minutes and see what he did. After 5 minutes he was sleeping again. I was so surprised. At 4am Asher woke up again and I did the same thing...though this time I waited 10 or15 minutes before he went back to sleep. Was this it? I was giddy with the thought of sleeping for 8 hours straight.

It has now been about 5 months since that breakthrough, and admittedly, there have been some bumps in the road. I am back at work now and so grateful that Asher has transformed into an amazing sleeper. It took us almost a year, and a few tears, but what is a year out of my life for my adorable little guy?

Next challenge: Sleepover at the grandparents...

September 6, 2011

Autumn is Here!

We had a nice weekend at the lake despite the cold and cloudy weather. It helped that the cabin we rented had a hot-tub. Drove up on Friday to Brereton Lake Resort in the Whiteshell; was very impressed by the cleanliness and hospitality! Had a nice BBQ dinner watching the sunset from our deck put Asher to bed and had some drinks and relaxed in the hot-tub. The rest of the weekend followed with the same sort of routine.

Here is our weekend in some iPhone photos since I was a dummy and I forgot our camera

Luna was scaling cliffs...she's crazy!

still taking it slow with the walking

frigid cold!

Asher now loves hats and shoes!

On trails behind our cottage...(blueberry valley)

August 29, 2011

Photo Break!

I have been busy trying to juggle working, being a mom, keeping the house clean, having a social life and trying to enjoy the little bit of summer we have left.

I am going to post soon about the furniture rearranging I am planning. (anyone in the market for an electric fireplace?) Maybe some before and afters..who knows things might get wild over here.

Here is what we have been up to lately

August 27, 2011

New Shoes!

Asher finally got his new Freshly Picked moccs in the mail this week. A first birthday gift from Dorota, Jay and little Rocco! I have to say these are the first pair of shoes he has had that he hasn't just immediately torn off of his feet. They are also super stylish he has gotten compliments everywhere we go.

I first saw these moccs when Mason Disick (Kourtney Kardashian's son) was wearing them everywhere (note-Keeping Up With The Kardashians is my guilty pleasure obsessed!)

Here is the adorable Asher in his Freshly Picked moccs.

They are awesome! And right now Susan, the maker of these amazing moccs and writer of is having a grow with me giveaway. If you want these amazing moccs for your little one at every stage from infant to toddler, follow this link to enter!

Hope you're all having an AWESOME weekend!

August 22, 2011

Luna's First Real Haircut

We have had Luna for just over 2 years now and she has never gotten a real haircut...until today, here are a couple before photos and the hilariously adorable after.

Make-up Favorties

Over the years I have tried many different kinds of make-up out of everything I have tried these are my fav's

Pro Lumiere Foundation

NARS pressed powder in 'Dessert'

NARS blush in Mata Hari

Make-up Forever eyeshadow
Nars also has an amazing bronzer my favorite shade is the Laguna. 

Anyone with mascara suggestions, I have yet to find one that I love...I usually switch it up every time I run out.

The Glow

Came accross this adorable site of stylish moms and thier little girls. So cute! Check it out here.

August 19, 2011

Best Invention!

Wes has always complained about trying to snap on Ashers clothes and sleepers, anyone with a wriggly baby totally gets it. I was shopping at McNally Robinson the other day and I saw these baby sleepers with magnetic fastners. If they had Ashers size I would have totally splurged on one. Check it out here.
this baby looks like he loves it

August 18, 2011


I am not much of a party planner so for Ashers first birthday I turned to One Charming Party to come up with an idea. They had the cutest little monster party theme. Asher doesn't have too many little buddies his age so we didn't have any games or goodie bags, but I did make the adorable monster cupcakes.

It's hard to believe a year has gone by since this little man entered our lives. Becoming a parent is such an amazing thing and no matter how many books you read or how prepared you think you are nothing prepares you for the love you feel, the sleep you loose, the mistakes you make, the fun you have, the mom jokes you all of a sudden start to make...I could go on and on. I can't wait for what this next year has to bring.

One of my best friends Dorota went into labour on Ashers birthday and 33 hours later on the 30th of June gave birth to Ashers new best friend Rocco!

New family one year ago
One year later

My cupcake masterpiece
Ashers new buddy Rocco!